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Evening thermals and glassoffs.

Primary site developed & maintained by RMHPA

Min Rating:

Special Skills:


P3 / H2

High Altitude, Turbulence


Bellyache | Wolcott

Wolcott is an afternoon and evening site that faces south southwest to northwest with west and southwest wind direction being the most favorable. Strong thermals and glass offs are typical for this site. It can be difficult to get down to the ground on good days, even after sunset. Solid descent skills might be required!

XC is very possible in the long summer evenings, with Edwards, Avon, Eagle Vail, and the Vail ballfields being popular destinations. Work high up the ridge to the north, then turn and run with the wind when you get as high as possible. You will likely find thermals each time you cross one of ridges perpendicular to I-70.

Wolcott is one of the sites where RMHPA works closely with the land owner, which is the only way we can fly here. USHPA membership AND RMHPA membership are required - do your part!

The road is private and blocked by 2 gates. Locals have the codes and you must meet with them to drive the road. Hiking is possible without the codes.


Launch faces SSW to W and is near 9,000', so winds aloft are very important. Favorable conditions are winds aloft in the 5 to 15 mph range up to 18,000'. If the winds aloft are 25 to 30 mph it will be too strong to fly this site.

The road to launch is four wheel drive. A vehicle with high clearance is needed. The road is private and blocked by 2 gates. Locals have the codes and you must meet with them to drive the road. Hiking is possible without the codes.

Min Glide Ratio: 6.3. Miniwings are not recommended due to the Glide Ratio.


The main LZ is a huge field with few obstacles. There are a few fences and electric lines to scout ahead of time.

The secondary LZ is the "dump" where dirt and boulders are constantly being rearranged. In addition to those hazards, the wind could be compressed and strong up the valley OR catabatic and flowing down the valley. You may not be able to detect the surface flow direction until the last 100'.

Both LZs are private property we use with permission.

Launch and Landing Map


  • PG: 0-17mph, ideal 8mph, gust factor 5mph

  • HG: 0-25mph, ideal 12mph, gust factor 10mph

  • Direction: 220 - 280 degrees

  • Wolcott has a weather station right at launch.

  • This site is close to the approach for Eagle County Airport. Planes have a designated flight path they usually fly on their approach. They are around 12,000' flying through the area, which is easily in our range. Before every flight we contact the Eagle Tower to inform them of our flying and proximity. They inform pilots on approach of our location and also include a NOTAM on the ATIS. There have been no close calls with planes since we have been flying this site for decades.

  • There is a high tension powerline to the south about 700 yards which can easily be avoided and not flown over.

  • This is usually a strong-wind launch with high-altitude and big mountain considerations and therefore suitable for P3 and above. Instructors may choose to take P2's here under certain conditions and under their supervision.

  • Site ratings reflect the pilot requirements during evening flights and/or when thermic conditions and environmental hazards are not present. For mid-day conditions, H3/P3/M2 or higher is recommended, with TUR special skill for PG. The high altitude endorsement is required due to the challenges posed to a pilot during launches and landings at this site’s elevation.


Live Wind Usage

  • On your phone, open the link below and bookmark it or "Add to Home Screen".

  • It is optimized for use while in-flight and will auto-update frequently.

Live Winds

If you have a suggestion, correction, or addition to a flying site, please contact


DISCLAIMER Last updated March 22, 2023.  The information provided by Rocky Mountain Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association ("we," "us," or "our") on (the "Site") is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the Site. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL WE HAVE ANY LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF THE SITE OR RELIANCE ON ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THE SITE. YOUR USE OF THE SITE AND YOUR RELIANCE ON ANY INFORMATION ON THE SITE IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.

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